Corona & Property Sale

Selling your property during Corona

If you want to sell your property at the moment, the corona pandemic may make you unsure whether it will be possible at all. Answers to the most important questions about real estate sales during Corona can be found here.

If you want to sell your property in Corona times, you can lose track of all the restrictions that are still handled differently within Germany. Are you currently allowed to offer your property at all, are interested parties allowed to be received and do notaries certify the purchase contracts? Here is a brief overview of what currently needs to be considered when selling real estate:

Is it possible to sell real estate despite the corona pandemic?
Yes, a sale is of course possible.

Can the property be viewed by interested parties?
Yes. Contact restrictions and distance and hygiene rules must be observed. Anything that can be clarified in advance by telephone or e-mail should continue to be done in this way in order to reduce contact to the necessary minimum. We offer many different options (video conference via Zoom, MS Teams; video calls via WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.).

How are visits carried out?
In principle, mass viewings should be avoided. We offer individual visits, where sufficient distance and the cough and sneeze advisories are observed.

Do notary appointments take place?
Notary appointments can still take place. However, different opening times or special rules of conduct may apply at the notary.